AVC Enterprises International

A Small Cap Private Equity Fund Backing Real Businesses

We build enduringly valuable company legacies

Our Approach​

Bringing operational expertise and resources from intelligent capital

We partner with emerging business owners and invest intelligent capital to take their businesses to the next level. We have a strong track record in working alongside business owners to achieve their vision and maximise the value of their businesses. Our capital comes from people who have the expertise and experience to make a transformative difference to the business model.

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We have 100 years of private equity experience and have invested in over 50 successful businesses​

AVC Enterprises International

Investment Style

We invest in small to mid sized private companies alongside the founder and help them grow. We will make partnership investments rather than minority investments. Businesses must have a long track record of cash generative growth and operate in a defensive sector. We especially focus on companies with a competitive moat in the form of IP or contracts.

We can bring deep industry knowledge and networks to our founder businesses and are operationally involved throughout the investment period. We like to help with the heavy lifting. Often our first step is composing a quality Board who can open doors and provide a valuable sounding panel to the management team.

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“ I have enjoyed working with AVC and backing the growth businesses from the ground up​ ”

Current Investor

Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you

If you are a business owner who shares our philosophy and meets our criteria, please make contact using the form below (which goes directly to our personal inboxes).